D for doh

Irregular verbs are the best and the best ones are those starting with D.
Dare ( sort of donare) to give, do, dai, da, diamo, date and danno.
related non D irregular verbs are
Stare to stay, does sto, stai, stiamo, state and stanno
Fare to do goes faccio,  fai, fa, fiamo, fate and fanno
Dovere,  usually a verb must, have to, should,
goes devo, devi, deve, dobbiamo, dovete and devono. It is often confused with Dove (where) an adverb
-Dire (really (dicere) to say dico, dici, dica, diciamo, dicete and  dicono

Then comes their imperative forms
Da, Sta, Fa, deve, dica,

Imperatives come in 3 flavours and personal pronouns.
They all involve action in the present moment only, no past or future concerns.
The suggestion imperative is the plural we [noi].
All other imperatives only use the subject you, singular or plural, polite or personal.
Tu/Voi is used in addressing members of the family, peers, children, close friends, and animals. Otherwise Lei and  Loro are used.
The personal pronouns are very important but never used.You need to know which ones you are using.

The three Imperative forms are suggestions, negative imperatives and ordinary imperatives.

These only use the personal pronoun we [Noi]  and are equivalent to the English “Let us” or colloquially “Let’s”. They are very easy and useful
Andiamo has two different special meanings.
An Imperative suggestion [and order], let’s go!.
The other meaning is the simple present tense andiamo, we go, or we are going and sometimes loosely we will go. All have a hidden Noi in front of them.
They are completely different meanings.
Let’s try [proviamo} some of the irregulars.

[Noi] diamo, lets give, stiamo, let’s stay, facciamo, let’s do,  diciamo, let’s say.

Negative Imperatives
Remember all imperatives other than suggestions are you singular or plural.
For suggestions just use non in front, non diamo lets not give.
But the negative imperative for tu in all conjugations is formed by placing the word non before the infinitive.
Non parlare, don’t speak. Non dicere, don’t say. Non finire, don’t finish.   very easy.
for voi use the plural form.  Non parlete.

Ordinary imperatives are a little tricky.


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