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Topic: Is there really a climate crisis?

Write the best arguments against the theory of man-made catastrophic global warming that would convince your neighbors that there is no climate crisis.

Climate crisis is the term adopted by the IPCC to describe projected changes in the climate that they attribute to human activity.
The IPCC mandate was to examine Climate Change with particular emphasis on human causation.
The second part was to evaluate if this was harmful.
The third to advise on what to do about it if it was.

I must say it is difficult to initiate a study into something you believe is happening and then have results that show the 3 premises for your inquiry were not justified in the first place.

The IPCC faced an inordinate number of challenges in regard to this study to do it successfully, safely and satisfactorily.
The difficulty in their tasks was in establishing a satisfactory scientific understanding of climate and climate change.
Then how to estimate human influence, if any, on this. Then what the outcomes were likely to be from any influence.

To see where and why they got it so badly wrong needs a textbook , not an essay but a summary of such a textbook would go as follows.
Climate definition.
Factors affecting climate.
Human influence on such factors.
Projected outcomes of such human influence.
The need , if any, to take action to change human behaviour.

Everyone knows what climate is, even if they cannot describe it scientifically.
Climate is the environment we live in as humans around the globe.
There are 4 seasons due to the variation in orbit of the earth around the sun and its inclination and wobble.
We have day and night which vary over the year and seasons in their ratio to each other.
We have an oblate spheroid of a world two thirds covered by water and one third by land which varies in height above sea level.
The large bodies of water put a lot of moisture into the air which precipitates in some areas as rain.
The rotation of the earth leads to a rolling wave of heat below the sun which causes air to heat and rise giving formation of clouds winds and hurricanes at times.

The atmosphere is composed of nitrogren, oxygen, 3% of GHG water as water vapour and clouds and trace gases including another GHG CO2.

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