
Imperative fun

Let’s try to use the expression let’s do things a lot today in many ways.

Proviamo a usare l’espressione facciamo molte cose oggi in molti modi.

I will give everyone a list of verbs and we will make as many sentences and ideas as we can.

Let’s go, where and why   Intransitive movement of self andare irregular

We go to the cafe to drink a cup of coffee with our friends

andiamo al bar a bere una tazza di caffe con i nostri amici.

We take the last bus to the city to see the fireworks prendere note the shift from a to i

Prendiamo l’ultimo autobus per la citta questa sera per videre i fuochi d’artificio.

take the last bus!

prendi l’ultimo autobus!

let’s sit down where and why  Reflexive hence Intransitive

lets sit down on this seat today.

sediamoci su questo posto oggi

Lets sit down on this couch and watch the football.

Sediamoci su questo divano e guardiamo il calcio.

Let’s hit, where and why transitive

let’s hit the ball very hard!

colpiamo la palla molto forte

i told him hit the ball very hard!

gli ho detto di colpire la palla molto forte!

Buy a newspaper to read today comprare

compra un giornale da leggere oggi

We go to the shop to buy a newspaper to read

andiamo in negozio per compare un giornale da leggere.

let’s eat what and how

eat your supper

mangia la tua cena

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