

Just do it

To learn Italian you have to speak it, rapidly, and know what the words mean or you will be left behind for dust.

The verb Fare or facere is one of the most important verbs and one of the best to start with. To do to act to make are some of the things you can say with it.

An interesting aside is that our English word far [as in far away] possibly comes from it. As in lontano fa a long way away. But I digress.

So lets do it. Let us do  it.  Facciomo lo.

We will start in a room in a house.

Cominceremo in una stanza in una casa. Another verb of many for starting is Inizieremo.

It is not important at the start to be totally correct in Italian. Fluency and choice will develop as you speak with or listen to people speaking the language. Here most English speaking people will be more comfortable with the verb Cominciare as it sounds like the word commence which is used more frequently that the word initiate for start in English.

Her we are using the ending for we or us, iamo, added to the verb, Cominciamo, iniziamo, partiamo etc. meaning we start. When we use the future tense we will start we instead add eremo to the base word.

In  can sometimes be the same as the English in. Or it can be nella or nello and variations on this according to the subject. Occasionally one uses fra or tra instead which are interchangeable. Tra in English is an additive part to a word meaning between or across as in transit Fra is used to give a range as in infra red. Both are used to indicate an in between property usually of time or space.

A is a term indicating singularity. Un is the base for masculine words often ending in o.
Una for feminine words usually ending in a.
Uno is of course used for the number one in Italian.

Stanza is the dictionary and accepted word for a room but there are many others.
The most commonly used being camera.We could also use commonly use sala.

Finally a house is a casa. Though there are other names for use in different circumstances.

Now for a bit of fun or as the Italians say  un po ‘di divertimento. Notice the un with the masculine word ending in o. It means Diverting as in entertaining by the way. Not diverting [taking away] attention but purely entertaining as in that was a diverting show, it took my mind off other things. Po means a little and di is one of the versions of the word of.

Try white house. Yes the president lives in one but so do a lot of other people.
Casa bianca. Bianca besides being a colour and a girl’s name is a version of blank. Which is like white paper that no one has written on. In Spanish it is blanco or blanca.





See rules in appendix



iniziare start, begin, initiate, introduce, institute
avviare start, initiate, begin, start up, set up, set
cominciare start, begin, commence, proceed, enter, open
partire start, leave, go, depart, set off, start off
avviarsi start, jog
lanciare launch, throw, cast, start, send, flip
incominciare begin, start
innescare trigger, start, prime
mettere in motostart
mettersi a get, start, begin, settle down
esordire begin, start, open
scattare take, click, snap, spring, start, sprint
sobbalzare start, jolt, jerk, boggle
sussultare wince, start
balzare jump, leap, spring, skip, dart, start


la camera room, chamber, house, apartment, lodging
la stanza room, stanza, living room, apartment
la sala room, hall, lounge, saloon
il ambiente environment, room, setting, surroundings, ambience, habitat
lo spazio space, room, blank, slot, interspace
il locale local, premises, room
il posto place, site, spot, post, seat, room
il vano room, doorway
la stanzetta room
le aula classroom, room, hall, courtroom, chamber, schoolroom
la possibilità possibility, chance, scope, way, means, room
la casa house, home, household, family, place, flat
le abitazione home, house, dwelling, housing, residence, habitation
lo edificio building, edifice, house, structure, construction, fabric
la dimora residence, home, dwelling, stay, house, abode
la camera room, chamber, house, apartment, lodging
lo albergo hotel, inn, house
la pensione board, pension, guest-house, boarding house, house, superannuation
il teatro theater, stage, playhouse, house, theatre
la casata house
il tetto roof, ceiling, top, limit, house, home
la ditta firm, business, house, concern
il pubblico public, audience, people, attendance, house
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