Questo è il seguito di un discorso che ho tenuto sull'italiano alcuni anni fa con una nuova interpretazione
delle domande e delle risposte che dovresti dare.
Italian and English can both pose a question depending on the way one makes a statement.
Hence, "I am going home"? or "vado a casa"? depends on intonation.
Italian differs from English from in that a sentence can be both a question and an answer at the same time,
but English allows you to change the order of the words to make it obvious a question is being asked
by changing the order of the words.
Hence Am I going home, verb first, must be a question.
In both languages there are also words that make it obvious a question [domanda] is being asked
and a response [risponsa] is needed.
In entrambe le lingue ci sono anche parole che rendono ovvia una domanda [domanda] viene chiesto
e una risposta [risposta] è necessaria.
In English these words are How ,When, Where, What, Who and Why.
How is the most interesting of these as it asks for an explanation of the question in quantitative and qualitative terms, How much and How many, How deep, wide, tall, broad and long. In other words it is a numerative question. How did it happen?
Where is much easier, a position in time and space.
Who is subjective and personal, applied to other people.
What is impersonal and broader, allowing non personal causes.
When is a time specification which further divides into past, present and future.
Why is a reflection on causation.
Which is a question offering a choice of answer