Climate Change

Global Climate

Where to start?


[Comments Climate and Weather are quite often used interchangeably and often mean the same thing but can be quite different***]

AGW    Anthropogenic Global Warming    CC Climate Change

These are interchangeable terms  in the modern world.

The term Climate change being that used in the acronym IPCC, The International Panel on Climate Change.

Initially this was a United Nations initiative  designed to investigate, monitor and report on Climate Change in the world.The aim was to help nations adapt to changes in the climate that affect them directly and indirectly, both to mitigate harmful effects and to promote strategies that might benefit nations.

Implicit in this initiative was the idea that Human’s might be able to adapt to changes  better or even initiate changes that could effect the climate  beneficially. As a corollary to this it meant that the idea that Human’s could also change the climate directly and indirectly was understood.

The extent to which this may be true has coloured Climate Change ever since with proponents on either side. At one end of the spectrum are those who believe that every thing that changes in Climate is directly or Indirectly related to Man’s  activities. At the other end are those who feel that Human’s are too insignificant to effect the weather at all.

Furthermore, by having an International Panel set up to Investigate Climate Change, the
subject is forever clouded by what can only be called affirmation or selection bias. After all, if one had a panel on pink elephants  or nothing , someone on the panel would have to think that pink elephants or nothing exists.

This is not to say that Climate Change does not exist, just that there is a large bias to proving that it does so in a meaningful way, a self fulfilling prophecy to justify the existence and use of the body promoting it.

Consequently when investigating the Climate there is a huge imperative to make sure that all studies and reports should be rigorous in their  scientific approach. All data used in such reports must be readily available to anyone wishing to review the reports and  archived for later use.

Where studies use arcane methods to arrive at conclusions or data cannot be verified then  such data should not and must not be used. With great power comes great responsibility  and hearsay is no substitute for science.

There should also be an avoidance of pushing agenda’s unrelated to Climate Change  in the name of Climate Change.


Having got those comments out of the way Climate Change and its issues can be approached on a number of fronts.

Does it matter?

The answer is no, to most of the people in the world. Most people have other priorities. Love, life, food exercise Going out, sport and politics just to name a few. Even those who read this have to be educated, speak, read and understand English  and live somewhere close to where I live to be able to find it.

The answer is also no on any sensible time scale. No matter how much temperature rise or sea change level is mooted anyone alive at the moment able to read this will be dead well before any meaningful change occurs.

Which leads to a fun aside. People often say if we do not act now it will affect the future generations, our children and grandchildren. How is it then that my Granddad did not act to prevent my current situation 50 years ago.

The answer is yes to those people who see themselves as intelligent, interested in the human race and its survival and who understand the intricacies of climate change and its consequences.

[* personally these people are big headed saints or have problems or both]

Those people again however can be diametrically opposed in there understanding of Climate Change and its consequences.