It just seems basic to me that if the warming hiatus that never happened was caused by a strengthening of ocean heat uptake efficiency during a period of time that coincided with Matt England’s anomalous intensified tradewinds, which both actually happened and then went away, that the observations are a bit F’d Up for primetime. So which longterm variation are they talking about? Because, as far as I can find, Matt England’s anomalous intensified tradewinds are a one-off phenomena. There is no variation to them: so far. The winds came; there was a warming hiatus in improvable datasets; the winds subsided; GMST has been shooting through the roof ever since. Anyway, I’m reading all the cloud stuff. Seems to be pointing mostly in the same direction: upward ECS.
zebra says: April 29, 2018 at 1:08 pm
” let’s assume that there was such a spike in GMST the past 3,000 years. So what? That was then, this is now. How does it affect the consensus about CO2 causing the current increase in system energy, which shows up as increasing GMST and the other well-known phenomena?”
CO2 should cause warming with an increase in concentration in the atmosphere.
A general, but not complete consensus.
However observations are falling badly behind computer model predictions of what the temperature rise should be.
The physics may not be totally right somewhere. Unlikely.
One or more of the many climate model assumptions appears wrong. Bing!
Or as AD in the next thread says, natural variability may be playing up with the temperature rise and could do so for the next 155 years or more.
Hence the problem with the consensus. If natural variability can effect ECS and hence temp for a long period then many of the skeptics [me included] can logically introduce an element of doubt into the consensus. Some of course say CO2 has no effect and that the warming spike to date could be explained purely from natural variability, not CO2.
Others that ECS may be lower than expected so that the warming will not be as severe as predicted.
Such points are valid while observations keep deviating from models.
If they persist they would demand an investigation into why.
If warming does return to the pattern expected of it then this all would be moot.
Your answer in brief is that a consensus tends to ignore and belittle data, people and ideas that do not conform with the consensus, even when they have elements of truth that should be welcomed into a fuller understanding.